John Hose Law

Successions | Estates | Inheritance

“The best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each day”- O. A. Battista


The death of a loved one is one of the most traumatic experiences a person will have.  Not only is there the loss of a love one, but eventually the Louisiana succession law, the legal aspects of that death must be dealt with, too.  To the layman, the legal aspect can seem a monumental task that is totally removed from his or her control. Often, they feel that the only thing to do is to do nothing or to sit back and let things happen, but a hands-on approach will prove much more beneficial.  Proper preparation and cooperation are most important, and choosing the right attorney can save time and money. Any attempt to fully explain the Louisiana inheritance laws as they relate to a Louisiana succession in a website would be futile and confusing.  There are many possibilities for all the combinations of heirs or legatees, and how each is treated in a Louisiana succession.  Most cases, however, will fall within the very basic framework of children and spouses inheriting all or most of the estate of a deceased family member. It is this vast group to whom this website and my practice is aimed: those individuals who by law (intestate succession in Louisiana, without a will) or by testament will inherit from a parent or spouse, who died with or without a will, and those individuals who can work together in the spirit of cooperation in order to avoid added costs and needless delays of time. I am here to assist you in understanding the process, being prepared, establishing cooperation, and saving time and money with your Louisiana succession. Please review this site and contact me with questions and a free initial visit regarding your succession matters. Sincerely, John C. Hose Attorney at Law